15 January 2009

Single Ladies Stuck in My Head.

This has got to stop. Not the war in Iraq or even the war in Gaza. They hold nothing to what has to stop in my life. (And if you think I am being serious then you have to get your own head checked)... I am talking about the annoying "hook" song that you find yourself singing all day long for no reason except that someone mentioned it.

Right now as I try to focus on typing this blog out to you, my mind is singing... "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" by Beyonce. Now if you know the song, I have totally pissed you off because some random time today you will find yourself singing the song. You probably do not even know the worlds but somehow, somewhere you will find yourself singing it. (This is the part where I would put the clip on the blog to annoy you even more but I have no idea how to link a video from YouTube on to this blog. Maybe someday.)

So the week is starting to wind down and the weather is getting colder and colder. I hear they are going to have some great concert in DC on Sunday that will host a group of some of the best singers from around the world to perform for Barack Obama. The list looks great to me... Josh Grobin, Heather Headley, Usher, Renee Flemming, Shakira, Bruce Springsteen and of course, Beyonce. (Now you know why I have been singing the damn song...) The concert would be pretty awesome but there will most likely be hundreds of thousands of people attending and on top of that I have my very own performance to attend.

I guess I might have mentioned it before (not sure) but I have a "side" talent (other then writing this amazing blog -- which no one reads I assume). I perform in drag. I am more then a boy in a dress, I am a illusionist and I put 200% of it into my performances. People seem to like me so I get asked around the DC Area to perform. I will be peforming this Sunday at a local club called Remington's. I hope the crowds are hopping and the joint is jumping because I have a great number to perform.

So if you are in Washington DC there is alot to choose from this weekend.

13 January 2009

Stupid Stupid Stupid

So I was looking at other people's blogs this morning and I came across this....

"Even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we'd be against it." -- Ingrid Newkirk, President & Co-Founder of PETA.

I have to say I was totally shocked and saddened. I understand the importance of something like PETA and the chance to make sure that companies are more humane with the treatment of animals but if you make comments like this you will lose all respect. I know many human beings (friends who are close and dear to me) who are the biggest supporter of animal rights but I know that if a cure could be found with the assistance of an animal they would support it. How dare Ingrid make a comment about what millions of people have to suffer with every single day of their lives. I hope that someone in her family never gets AIDS. Then I would like to see what she has to say about it.

People who say stuff to shock are becoming more and more annoying as I grow older. Just yesterday, Ann Coulter was on The View. I love this show. I know that many people find the women annoying and yes, sometimes, they can be but they also have a lot of interesting points to make. I am actually very inline politically with Whoopi Goldberg. What that says about me, who knows... but anyway. Ann Coulter was promoting her new book and she was not happy to be attacked on the show. I guess she thought that sitting next to Elizabeth Hasselback would help her or something but I was supprised that even Elizabeth attacked her. It was great. The worst was when Ann was condensending to Barbara Walters. Look, we all know that Babs is a little older and a little loopy but she is like everyone's grandma. You don't mess with the Walters. Well Ann was mean to her and I thought Sherri Shepherd was going to pop her one. It was classic. I loved it. I would show it to you if I knew how to upload video. Maybe in the future I will be able to add it. (If anyone knows how to upload can you let me know?)

12 January 2009

Dieting & Dan

Dieting is hard. Let me just get that out of the way. There is so much good food out there and it is tough to be "healthy" all the time. I took some time off of my diet to see if I could eat healthier and that did not go as planned. I had lost 20 pounds prior to Thanksgiving and was proud of myself. Well that seems to be it as I am now back up 6 pounds. I know it is still 14 pounds better then I was but when you have been eating lettuce all the time you think that even if you have a little lax period you would not ballon up lilke a Sumo wrestler. So now I have to go back on a diet. The problem is I am hungry. All the time. I am sick of the flavor waters and I am sick of lettuce. I try to eat veggies but that is a pain. I am lazy. I wish there was a personal chef to do all this so I could spend time writing here and being a goof off.
My dear friend Dan is coming for a visit. Actually he was asked to perform for the Obama parade on the 20th of January. He plays the tuba. He is also incredibly adorable. I used to be madly in love with him. We met at Dutch Apple Dinner Theater in Lancaster, PA and become quick friends. I thought there was something there at one point but then nothing really happened. Now, friendly all these years later, I still sometimes wonder what could have been. I have Mark and am very happy (don't get me wrong) but you know how sometimes that rush of wonder overcomes you and you find yourself in a daydream? Anyway... he is supposed to play Tuba for the parade as part of the only GLBT marching band to march. His sister lives in Columbia, Maryland but he realized that it would be insane trying to get into town so he asked if he could stay with us. It should be fun since I have not seen him in a while.
So that is what is going on. I am sure I will write more sooner or later. I always do.

08 January 2009

Patchwork Post

The trouble with keeping a blog I have thought is that I wonder if I will have enough to say on a regular basis. Some days I could run on and on and on about what probably is nothing and other days I am sure I have absolutely nothing to say. I figure that if I keep it up every day I will find that somewhere down the road this blog will make sense.
People say that you should have a reason for writing in a blog. My sister, for example has a blog about knitting. Sure, she discusses other aspects of her life but the goal of her blog is to write about knitting. I actually have read some of her blog and it is really fascinating. She also is a linguist professor so her words are so much better then my simple-ton language.
I thought maybe I could write about my job. The fun thing about my job is that I work for Congress in Washington DC. Yes, it sounds glamorous but trust me, at five minutes to close when they call and want to know why they cannot fly direct from Beirut to Tel Aviv you begin to wonder who these people really are working for the our elected officials. (For the record... You have to fly from Beirut to Istanbul to Tel Aviv becuause Lebanon & Isreal do not get along.... But I assume you are smart enough to know these thing.) I thought I could talk about the gossip and tell wonderful stories about the travel aspects of our Senaters and Congresspersons but then I realized that there are only about 10 of us who work in the office and if they found out it was me, I would probably get in trouble. (Plus I am not good at lying and would somehow blab out the information to someone.
Another topic brought up was my drag performing. For those of you in the know-how.... Drag is short/slang for a Female Illusionist although there is nothing illuding to the fact that I am man in a dress. You can tell. I do not channel the glamour and beauty of a Angelina Jolie or a Anne Hathaway. But for some bizarre reason, I have talent and I do well and people seem to like me.. It is fun to do but I do not do it often enough to make a blog about it.
So two topics out the window and I am wondering what I should really write about. In the process I also realized that I did not have enough to talk about single topics such as my new sewing habit,Broadway musicals, my dog Jack or my cats, Zipity & MorningStar or even my always patient husband, Mark.
So it struck me that maybe I do not have to just discuss one thing. I am more then sum of one thing. I am many dimentions of one person. SO this is what it is. A quilt, as you might see it, of my life beginning this year. Of course, I will talk about the past and hit upon the future but for now we blog about the current.

07 January 2009

A Little Fish in a Big Pond

Welcome to my watering hole. I thought of many things to call this new blog of mine but I thought that A Little Fish in a Big Pond was cute. It may be cliche. It may even be something used before but I thought that it would be perfect for me. See, my last name is Rybka. Well it is now actually Rybka-Wachhaus but originally it was just Rybka. That is until I got married. (And yes, I love him very much to have added a German name to a Slovakian name) But that is rushing things a little bit and I am still trying to just tell you about my name and the name of the blog. Rybka in Slovakian means little fish. Cute huh? So now you are looking at the name of the blog and my name and realizing why I chose that. Of course, since I have now mentioned my other "last name" you will notice that it is Wachhaus. Wachhaus is German. A strong German name and of course, it actually means Watch House/Watch Tower. I was told by my husband's father that Wachhaus is actually the towers on the edges of castles that were the lookout for the solders. Pretty cool but the title Little Fish Watch Tower made me sound like I was trying to promote a Jehovah's Witness Sailing Organization. Not something I really want to promote. I mean they can prey (oops, I mean pray) anyway they want but I have a feeling that they would not want me promoting them. It is not that I think a church is anti-person per say, they are just anti-gay. Yes. I might not have mentioned that. You may have guessed when you saw my name and said Jon. Then when I mentioned "my husband" you might have cocked your head to the side like the dog in the RCA ads and thought to yourself.... well that must mean he is "a gay." I did in fact get married in California last year. September 20th to be exact. It was a lovely small ceremony and we did it because the laws in California said we could. Now of course, the laws have changed and they are saying that marriage is between a man an a woman. Look, I don't care what you call it, I want to be able to call Mark, my husband and have the same rights as everyone else in the United States. Is that really to much to ask?
See and you thought therapy would have been better too huh.
I tend to ramble on if you have yet to notice. My discussion will most likely start at point "A" with the intention of going to point "B" but it might take me a couple tries to get there. Mark says I remind him of Dory (from Finding Nemo) when I do that. Which brings me to her classic line of "just keep swimming"... which is actually what this blog must be about. Just me... Swimming...
A little fish in a big pond... (let's just hope that there are not any sharks out there along the way...)