23 February 2009


I regret watching the Academy Awards last night. I mean I enjoyed them more then I have in the past but they ran until 12:15am and I am now exhausted.
I am one of those people who needs the full eight hours of sleep if I am going to be a functioning human being the next morning. I also find that as I get older (okay let's be honest here... I am 35 and that is not THAT old) I begin to find myself in a way of life that is very comfortable to me. I enjoy things just the way they are.
My life, to many, would be incredibly boring I am sure.
I awake in the morning no later then 7:20am in order to begin my day. I say that I awake no later due to the fact that my dog, Jack may wake me a bit earlier so I can walk him around the block in the morning (to check his pee-mail).But 7:20 is the latest I allow myself to get up.
I have to watch "The Today Show" in the morning and check out the weather and traffic on the NBC channel. I get in the shower at 8:00am and am dressed and out the door by 8:30am. I catch the metro (it saves on gas...but I now wonder why I watch the traffic reports) to Rosslyn, Virginia for a 9:15am work day. The I work all day long at CATO Travel. I like to take a lunch around 2:15 as it makes for an easier day. The later the lunch, the sooner I get to go home.
By Six O'clock I am ready for home and I metro home. As much as I love my husband, Mark it is nice when he works the night shift then I can have my ritual. I come home....walk the dog... turn on The View (Tivo'd from the morning) and eat dinner while watching that. Then depending on the situation, I will watch One Life to Live, Days of Our Lives or life television which include Ugly Betty or American Idol.
By ten o'clock I am ready for bed and I walk Jack one last time and then go to bed and read.
It is an easy life for me and I enjoy it. I hate it when things go all wonky (that word is stolen from my sister's blog. I like the word wonky and I am sure if she uses it then it must be a real world --- she is a linguist)
Wonky situation arise when Mark is home all day.... or I have to do something afterward. Wonky days are Sundays when I have The Washington Academy followed by the Academy Awards....
But I won't complain... I mean really... who would listen?

18 February 2009

Zodiac Wheel & Finals...

The Zodiac Finals are coming up in a couple weeks and I guess I should get ready for them sooner rather then later. I am competing and will have a good time doing it but I am sure that Veronica is on her way to winning. I know she wants it very much and would do a wonderful job with it. I almost feel like I should do a good job with it this year but then really kick it up a notch next year since she will not be competing.
I guess I should probably let you know that Veronica is a fellow "drag performer" who is actually a very very close friend of mine, Rob.
Rob is such a great friend, I actually feel a little upset about having to compete against him at the finals. I know if he wins, I will be thrilled for him as he really does deserve it but I would love to get the title.
I would tell you all about what goes into Zodiac finals and what I would do for the contest if I was not afraid that someone may read this and get ideas. I will say that we have to pick an animated character and use it for our "creative costume".... I like my idea and would have liked it more had we been able to do a "skit" for the creative part.
Oh well.... what are you going to do.
So anyway... that is what I am thinking about right now.
Zodiac Finals.

17 February 2009

High Temperatures with slight showers of Rhinestones....

Again I apologize for the delay. I am sure that all "none of you" are dying to read about my exciting life and feel the need to check every single day to see if I have written anything small morsel of information.
I have been sick. I mean, high fever, mad shakes, upset stomach, puke sick. It was the most unpleasant four days of my life. Well, maybe not the most unpleasant but you understand the horror that was my illness.
It came on quite suddenly. I was tired but feeling pretty much like I normally do when Tuesday afternoon I started having a little cough. As my mother says "It is the coughing they'll carry you off-in." And the sad thing is that I had even used the jokey comment to my co-worker. See what happens when you joke!!!
So in the middle of the night, I awoke to shivers and a temperature. I contacted my doctor and he said "Eh! You can just sweat it out and drink fluids and make sure you rest."
Well I missed all Wednesday and did not even get to go to Jury Duty on Thursday. I have to reschedule with them. I guess throwing up and having 103 degree temperature is not a way to get out of jury duty.
My fever finally broke Friday but I was still week to do anything until Saturday.
Saturday I was so itching to get out. One of my dear friends Rob came and took me to the wholesale store to buy jewelry. That was so amazing. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. For those of you who may not know, I do female illusion and I have needed some nice jewelry for a while. The prices where amazing and I thought that I was going to buy out the whole store. It was so much fun. Good thing that he had to meet someone else about an hour after we got there as I could have spend more then 100$. I know that they would not have minded but my wallet would have. But I will go back soon and buy more. At the prices they are charging, I could buy something every paycheck for the amount of a dinner at Outback Steakhouse.....

05 February 2009

You Got Me Feeling Emotions.. USAA

My emotions are all over the place today. At least I have not cried but I thought at one point I was tell someone to "fuck off" (or maybe I did and didn't realize it).
USAA has decided to drop my policy. In a nutshell, I have had some late payments and they feel that I am not going to be a "good customer" anymore. They say that in this climate of economical change they cannot have anyone who pays their bill late. Yes, I am admitting that sometimes I was late on my car insurance payment but I never lost insurance and I have been with them for almost 20 years. I understand all about money and life and the ideals of paying on time but sometimes when you just have to decide on eating (or buying your medication) and paying your car insurance a day (or three) late, you have to make decisions. The saddest thing is that my financial situation (however small and strained) is finally starting to even out and settle into a normalcy only seen in .... well.. nothing that I know of but normal just the same.
So I have been moping around and being grumpy. But I know that a friend of mine works for Geico and he told me to try them. Well I must say they were lovely and kind and nice and friendly. And surprises all around.... I have gotten insurance for the auto for only nine dollars more then what I was paying with USAA.
SO guess who is now with the Gecko from Geico...

Delays in Blogging

I am very embarrassed. I was so gung-ho in the beginning to write about things in my world and blog myself into fame and fortune. (Okay maybe just blog my way out of therapy but you get the idea)
Well I just realized that I have missed writing since January 15Th.
That is a long time not to write about my life. I mean all none of you who read my blog probably are wondering what the heck has happened to me.
Well no worries folks, I am here and plan on writing on. (or blogging on as the case were)
It dawned on a couple days ago when I was casually checking out my husband's Facebook page and realized he had a blog. I did not know anything about it so I thought I would check it out. I have to admit, I was a wee bit jealous that his was so well written and well... continuous.
I mean I have many things in my life but I could spend a couple bits of time writing to you my fan out there. (and yes that was supposed to be singular not plural)
So much has happened since January 15Th.
I am sure you know but now that we have the first African American president. Yes history was made on the 20Th of January when Barack Obama was sworn in as the very first black president. It was a wonderful day. Mark and I spend it in the warmth of our home (until he had to go to work) and watched all the fun on our TV.
Yes, you may wonder why we did not just walk outside an go a couple blocks but when you actually live in the city that the inauguration is going to be held in, you tend to want to stay clear of the over-crowding of the people.
Other then that, it just seems to be work and home and work and home. We had a little bit of snow this past weekend but it was kind of a waste of time and energy. I wish that it would SNOW. A good foot would be lovely. Maybe enough to stop the town for 24 hours. That would be nice.
Well I promise I will write more. Maybe even twice a day if I have to so all of you can enjoy the little fish in the big pond.