13 January 2009

Stupid Stupid Stupid

So I was looking at other people's blogs this morning and I came across this....

"Even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we'd be against it." -- Ingrid Newkirk, President & Co-Founder of PETA.

I have to say I was totally shocked and saddened. I understand the importance of something like PETA and the chance to make sure that companies are more humane with the treatment of animals but if you make comments like this you will lose all respect. I know many human beings (friends who are close and dear to me) who are the biggest supporter of animal rights but I know that if a cure could be found with the assistance of an animal they would support it. How dare Ingrid make a comment about what millions of people have to suffer with every single day of their lives. I hope that someone in her family never gets AIDS. Then I would like to see what she has to say about it.

People who say stuff to shock are becoming more and more annoying as I grow older. Just yesterday, Ann Coulter was on The View. I love this show. I know that many people find the women annoying and yes, sometimes, they can be but they also have a lot of interesting points to make. I am actually very inline politically with Whoopi Goldberg. What that says about me, who knows... but anyway. Ann Coulter was promoting her new book and she was not happy to be attacked on the show. I guess she thought that sitting next to Elizabeth Hasselback would help her or something but I was supprised that even Elizabeth attacked her. It was great. The worst was when Ann was condensending to Barbara Walters. Look, we all know that Babs is a little older and a little loopy but she is like everyone's grandma. You don't mess with the Walters. Well Ann was mean to her and I thought Sherri Shepherd was going to pop her one. It was classic. I loved it. I would show it to you if I knew how to upload video. Maybe in the future I will be able to add it. (If anyone knows how to upload can you let me know?)

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