23 February 2009


I regret watching the Academy Awards last night. I mean I enjoyed them more then I have in the past but they ran until 12:15am and I am now exhausted.
I am one of those people who needs the full eight hours of sleep if I am going to be a functioning human being the next morning. I also find that as I get older (okay let's be honest here... I am 35 and that is not THAT old) I begin to find myself in a way of life that is very comfortable to me. I enjoy things just the way they are.
My life, to many, would be incredibly boring I am sure.
I awake in the morning no later then 7:20am in order to begin my day. I say that I awake no later due to the fact that my dog, Jack may wake me a bit earlier so I can walk him around the block in the morning (to check his pee-mail).But 7:20 is the latest I allow myself to get up.
I have to watch "The Today Show" in the morning and check out the weather and traffic on the NBC channel. I get in the shower at 8:00am and am dressed and out the door by 8:30am. I catch the metro (it saves on gas...but I now wonder why I watch the traffic reports) to Rosslyn, Virginia for a 9:15am work day. The I work all day long at CATO Travel. I like to take a lunch around 2:15 as it makes for an easier day. The later the lunch, the sooner I get to go home.
By Six O'clock I am ready for home and I metro home. As much as I love my husband, Mark it is nice when he works the night shift then I can have my ritual. I come home....walk the dog... turn on The View (Tivo'd from the morning) and eat dinner while watching that. Then depending on the situation, I will watch One Life to Live, Days of Our Lives or life television which include Ugly Betty or American Idol.
By ten o'clock I am ready for bed and I walk Jack one last time and then go to bed and read.
It is an easy life for me and I enjoy it. I hate it when things go all wonky (that word is stolen from my sister's blog. I like the word wonky and I am sure if she uses it then it must be a real world --- she is a linguist)
Wonky situation arise when Mark is home all day.... or I have to do something afterward. Wonky days are Sundays when I have The Washington Academy followed by the Academy Awards....
But I won't complain... I mean really... who would listen?

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